I have to say as I look over this blog spot tonight I am QUITE impressed with my husband, the blogger! :) In previous days I was the 'official' family writer.
Those were the days before ....
and before....
(in order as we received them :)
I'm not sure why I had time to write back then but I'm pretty sure why I DON'T have time to write now! :) :) :) :)
(I know some of you, my dear, DEAR friends would throw the '50 factor' in! :)
I just want to say.....God has been so good to the Allens in China! We have been blessed beyond measure! We praised Him as we said goodbye to 2010 and we are praising Him as we welcome 2011!
Please pray with our family as we seek Him for the following miracles this year:
L e s l i e ' s s a l v a t i o n
H e l e n ' s s a l v a t i o n (Leslie's orphan friend who also stays with us wknds/holidays)
N a t h a n ' s a d o p t i o n
We continue to thank God ...
- for the privilege of serving Him in this land where we still meet someone EVERY WEEK who has NEVER heard the name Jesus or touched a Bible.
- for the privilege of opening the pages of this precious Book and sharing the love of our Savior.
- for the receptive hearts that are so open to The Good News!
- for our precious people who continue telling their friends and families about 'The God' and inviting them to GO to hear for themselves.
- for these precious PRECIOUS children who bless our home with love and laughter.
- for our precious PRECIOUS children back home who bless our hearts with memories, encouragement and love.
We've got SO MUCH to thank Him for!
from my heart,
Dee :)
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